Sunday, July 22, 2018

Welcome back 😂

Has it seriously been 6+ months since my last blog?! I am sorry!

I hope you have been following adventures on my Instagram and FB page!

Family stuff, work stuff, and amazing honeymoon in Italy with my husband and a family reunion with all the siblings together again!

What's next!? New job! Also, serious talk and focus on my PCOS journey and my hudband and I's transition to a healthier lifestyle.
Why? If you don't have PCOS I am not sure you can truly deeply understand unless you support someone who does. If you do, then I am sure you have experienced the despair and the swings of motivation to helplessness. I can't help but feel that I need and want to share my experiences and journey because it is therapeutic for me and maybe just maybe it can help someone out there going through the same thing, but feeling alone. You are not alone.

Stay tuned loves...